Schools & Departments 12 Schools, 42 Departments of excellence ACADEMIC SECTION SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF COMPUTER & INFORMATION SCIENCES SCHOOL OF COMPUTER & INFORMATION SCIENCES SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES Department of English Department of Philosophy Department of Hindi Department of Telugu Department of Urdu Department of Sanskrit Studies Centre for Comparative Literature (CCL) Centre for Applied Linguistics & Translation Studies (CALTS) SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES S N SCHOOL OF ARTS & COMMUNICATION Department of Communication Department of Dance Department of Fine Arts Department of Theatre Arts Department of Music SCHOOL OF PHYSICS SCHOOL OF PHYSICS SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES Department of Biochemistry Department of Plant Sciences Department of Animal Biology Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Department of Systems & Computational Biology SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Department of History Department of Sociology Department of Political Science Department of Anthropology Department of Edn. & Edn. Technology Geographic Information System (GIS) Laboratory SCHOOL OF ENGG. SCIENCES & TECH SCHOOL OF ENGG. SCIENCES & TECH SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES