Student Services
Dean, Students' Welfare, Chief Warden, Chief Proctor, ICC-GS-CASH, Anti-ragging SquadsThe University provides a range of Student Services in terms of welfare measures.
The Office of the Dean, Students’ Welfare and the Office of the Chief Warden primarily cater to student services.
Please visit this page regularly for any updates.
Dean, Students' Welfare
Support system for students, Fellowships, Insurance etc
Chief Warden's Office
Hostel accommodation, Mess Facilities
Health Insurance
Facilitating insurance claim settlements
Equal Opportunities Cell
To ensure equity and social justice on all counts
Psychological Counselling
Preventive psycho-social support for students
Chief Proctor
Discipline and Conduct rules for students
Anti-ragging Squad
Contact the Cell to lodge a complaint
Fellowships/ Scholarships
Activating, processing & monitoring of all scholarships
Addressing grievances & recommending redressal
Mr. Gautam
Mr. Anwar
Mr. Santosh
Mr. Rajesh Gilda
The office of the DSW facilitate medical insurance claim settlements for the students from the day they are admitted to the day they leave the university.
- Current Insurance Company: The Oriental Insurance Company Limited
- Insurance Broker: M/s. Visista Insurance Broking Services Pvt. Ltd.
- Third Party Agent: M/s. Family Health Plan Insurance TPA Ltd.
- Student Login Link to download E-card and to intimate the claim
- Linkto Download Claim forms and to Search Network Hospital List(For Network List need to select insurer as “Oriental Insurance Company Ltd”)
Dr. B. Hymavathi (Female Counselor)
9515667087 / 04023131002
Mr. M. Subhash (Male Counselor)
8008477643 / 04023131003
Psychological Counselling Unit (PCU) at the University of Hyderabad is committed to looking after the mental health wellbeing of students and plays a crucial role for making students’ experiences a positive one. We aspire to support the students throughout their academic and personal journey, equip them with life skills and coping skills to prosper in their lives.
Psychological Counselling Unit is part of the wider vision of the University of Hyderabad where inclusion and integration is the key focus. We are proud to be a part of this higher education sector and we will continue to do so in the future.
Psychological Counselling Unit is functionally operating as part of Dean Student Welfare Office at the new amenities building, south campus. We are two counsellors (Female and male positions). We cater to the psychological concerns of the registered students at UoH. Dy. Dean Student Welfare-1 Dr. N.Rukma Rekha, Assoc. Prof. School of Computer and Information Sciences, is presently heading the Psychological Counselling Unit.
What is counselling
Counselling is a talk therapy for anyone who wishes to spend a little time with the professionals in getting their life on track, and who wish to get a sense of direction for their concerns bothering them currently.
Typical problems that people bring to counselling include-
stress, low-mood, feeling stuck or trapped, , feeling unhappy at work, eating issues, body image issues, over-doing drink, drugs, phones, gambling or computers, relationship issues (work or personal), identity issues, family problems, bereavement, , life-stage issues (career uncertainty or dissatisfaction), a sense of something being ‘not quite right’ depression, anxiety, or a desire for greater well-being or personal development.
While listening to you and talking with you, the counsellor aims to facilitate your personal development. Counsellors rarely offer advice, but instead will work collaboratively with you to help you look at your situation with fresh eyes and experiment with new solutions.
Many people feel that their problems are not important enough to permit counselling. Others worry that counselling may not help – or that they are in some way ‘not normal/abnormal’. In any case, a trial initial appointment will enable you to explore what you can get from counselling – and what you can’t.
Individual counselling
Individual sessions last for 45 minutes to one hour or more sometimes, depending on the intensity of the concern students come up with. Typically, the counsellor will ask a set of questions about your background (eg family history, previous counselling and so on if necessary). The counsellors have individual cabins so as to cater to counselling undisturbed as well as to maintain confidentiality.
Group Counselling
Group counselling or therapy happens to a very limited number of students who discuss and brainstorm about common problems that concern them along with the counsellor or therapist to guide them through their discussion. The group members express their through their thoughts and concerns and each member supports each other and enables individuals to see things from a multiple perspective.
Crisis Intervention
Crisis intervention is a short-term management technique designed to reduce potential permanent damage to an individual student affected by a crisis. Crisis can be defined as one’s perception or experience of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exhausts the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms.
Trusted Friends Group
At UoH, the Psychological Counselling Unit started a program called Trusted Friends group. This is a peer support program that intends to reach out to students, find support through the students. This could be sharing knowledge or providing emotional support, social interaction or practical help by the peers. The students who volunteer to be Trusted Friends will be trained by the Psychological Counselling Unit in terms of micro skills in counselling like – listening skills, how to recognize a person in distress, and communication and rapport building, mentoring skills or befriending skills. Everyone’s experiences are treated as equally important, and no one is more of an expert than anyone else. This kind of support may be extended to students by the student volunteers either by phone, or mail or directly in person.
On several occasions Psychological Counselling Unit conducts workshops on several topics like
How to deal with stress
Coping with exam anxiety
Dealing with depression
Positive thinking and happy living
New normal during covid-19
Mentoring skills ( for students and faculty)
University life – A new Journey
And many more….
Orientation programs
At the beginning of every academic year, it is mandatory for the Psychological Counselling Unit to approach all the Schools/Departments/Centers and provide orientation classes to the newly admitted students to bring awareness about the psychological counselling services and how students can avail these services throughout their academic journey at UOH.
Mentorship training
The Psychological Counselling Unit conducts workshops to the faculty members of different departments on mentoring skills and guide the faculty on interpersonal skills, such as empathy, respect, patience, and flexibility, so as develop a better rapport with the students assigned to them through their course work.
We provide counselling service with prior appointment on call. To fix an appointment the students may call, email, or text the counsellors on the numbers. The students may call the counsellors 24×7 anytime to fix an appointment. We are available online also, for those students who prefer to meet virtually.
Dr. Hymavathi – 9515667087 (Female counsellor);
Mr. Subhash– 8008477643 (Male counsellor);
@ Vivekananda Students Amenities Building, DSW office, South Campus.
- What is counselling?
Counselling is not the same as giving advice. It is quite different from the general opinion held by people. Going for a counselling session in no way indicates that you are helpless or incapable of solving your problems. By talking about your problems or concerns with a counsellor you will deepen your understanding of your problem and develop the means to deal with them.
- What kind of problems can I talk to counsellor about?
You can pretty much talk with us about anything and everything. You can come to us for personal problems, academic problems, emotional issues and career awareness. these may include stress related problems, exam anxiety, personal problems, peer pressure, substance abuse, lack of focus in academics, laziness, time management, inability to concentrate and career related queries.
- How much do I have to pay the counsellor?
You don’t have to pay anything, these psychological counselling services are absolutely free of charge to the registered students of UoH, Employees (both teaching and non-teaching staff)
- How do I present my issues?
It doesn’t really matter how you present your problem. You can say whatever you like. Sometimes there is silence, sometimes you might find yourself saying things you had not expected to say. The counsellor will help you explore the matter and will keep referring to you to clarify his/her understanding.
- What will the counsellor think of me – will they think badly of me?
First of all, we are not here to judge your actions. And secondly, many of our problems arise just because we are human. When something goes wrong, it is usually because we are pushing ourselves too hard; because you are in the middle of a huge confusion and finding for reasons you don’t fully understand or because you are actually are suffering some form of psychological distress which is distorting your view of reality. Therefore judging is not helpful or relevant; what we will do is help and support you along your way in finding the best way out of the problem.
- What if I still feel ashamed of my problems?
Counsellors do accept that it is natural to want to appear successful and that most of us go through a whirlpool of negative emotions when we have problems and so don’t want to advertise our difficulties. This is one of the reasons we place a great emphasis on confidentiality.
- How confidential is counselling?
Psychological Counselling Unit respects and recognizes the importance of confidentiality for students using its services. Maintaining absolute trust and privacy is a legitimate expectation from the students’ perspective. We at PCU assure you of strict and complete confidentiality of whatever you discuss with us. Whatever problems, experiences or memories you bring in the room with you, remain with us and we do not disclose any information given to us. We do not breech the confidentiality and the information remains confidential.
- Can I seek advice regarding a friend or colleague?
If you want to approach us regarding a friend, you are most welcome. We’ll try our best to help you help your friend, while still helping you to stay anonymous.
- What if my problem is very silly and what if the counsellor dismisses me?
No concern or problem is silly when it is bothering you and not allowing you to focus on your work. If it affecting you on your day to day affairs, please understand it is time to see the counsellor, and your concern is never silly to the counsellor. It is taken with the same seriousness as you do giving the same weightage to your concerns, the counsellor will address your concerns.
A talk on World suicide Prevention day- 2019 by Dr. Saroj Arya.
Faculty Sensitization Program to UoH faculties by Dr. Niranjan Reddy- October 2018
Induction program Conducted by DSW Office to newly admitted Students –Sept. 2022
Orientation Program to Newly admitted students about Psychological Counseling services at UoH-2021
A new Journey at the University, a psychological perspective to the newly admitted students August, 2021
A talk on Living and Adjusting to the new normal during covid-19 pandemic, October 2020.
Gender Sensitization Program conducted by Department of Telugu, UoH- 2019
Addressing the Students on Mental health Camp conducted by Health centre- May, 2023
Anxiety and Stress in Academia -role of counselling interventions and mindfulness” by Prof. Suneetha Manyam, department of Counselling, Mercer University, USA. on 25th January 2023
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with freedom fighters and their perspective on 75 years of independence 2022
Poster release event on the occasion of World mental Health Day-2022
Workshop on the occation of World Suicide prevention day September,10. 2023, by Dr. Purnima Nagaraja.
BE HEALTHY: Perspectives from Indian Vision”: Talk by Prof.Girishwar Misra, Renowned Psychologist ranked among the top most influential psychologists of the world on 11.10.2021
Webinar videos (Workshops and Panel Discussion) of Psychological Counselling Unit Social media platform Links at UoH.
Dr. Santosh R. Kanade
Deputy Dean, Students’ Welfare
Administrative Staff of FSS
Ch. Satish Kumar, Section Officer
Azghar Khan, Office Assistant
Welcome to the Fellowships and Scholarships Section at the University of Hyderabad. Our section is entrusted with the critical responsibility of managing and facilitating fellowships and scholarships awarded to research scholars (Post-Doctoral and Doctoral), as well as students pursuing Integrated Masters’ and Masters’ Programs, by various external funding agencies (Central / State) as well as schemes supported through internal sources.
The Fellowships & Scholarships Section at the University of Hyderabad operates under the statutory control of the Dean, Students’ Welfare. The day-to-day administrative and decision-making responsibilities of the section are handled by the Deputy Dean, Students’ Welfare – 2, while the Section Officer serves as the overall supervisor.
The primary objectives of the Fellowships & Scholarships Section are:
- Facilitating the application and processing of various fellowships and scholarships offered to scholars & students by government agencies, institutions, and other external funding agencies.
- Ensuring timely disbursement of fellowship and scholarship payments to eligible students.
- Maintaining precise records and providing essential documentation for statistical and reporting purposes.
- Assisting students in accessing scholarships and fellowships to support their academic pursuits.
Fellowships and Scholarships Payment Types:
The Fellowships & Scholarships Section is processing payments for various fellowships and scholarships to scholars and students, utilizing both online and offline modes.
DBT Payment Process (Online):
For online fellowships, the respective funding agencies issue sanction orders to selected scholars and disburse monthly fellowships, including HRA (where applicable), contingency, and other eligible allowances through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode. This disbursement takes place upon confirmation of the scholars’ active PhD program status or on-roll status for the current semester. The Fellowships & Scholarships Section verifies this information on the respective portals of the funding agencies or fellowships. Once confirmed, the funding agencies release funds directly to the bank accounts of the respective fellowship holders.
Upon the completion of their fellowships, scholars are required to submit the necessary documents and certificates (UC, SoE, Final / Completion Report, etc) to the funding agency for the settlement of their fellowships.
Payments of Fellowships through Finance & Accounts of UoH (Offline):
Upon the receipt of sanction order and release of grants from funding agencies and subsequent confirmation of grant receipt by the Finance & Accounts Section, the Fellowships & Scholarships Section initiates the approval process with the respective Competent Authorities. Following approvals, the Section issues Sanction Orders for monthly fellowships, HRA (if applicable), Contingency and other allowances to eligible scholars.
Based on the Sanctioned Order provided by the Fellowships & Scholarships Section, recipients of Offline Fellowships are required to generate a direct payment bill through the FAMOUS Portal. This bill serves as a formal claim for the monthly fellowship, HRA (if applicable), contingency and other eligible allowances. Fellowship Holders then submit the payment bill to the Fellowships & Scholarships Section for a review of payment details and confirmation of their on-roll status for the ongoing semester. Upon certification and endorsement by the Section, the payment bill is forwarded to the Finance & Accounts Section for further processing and disbursement.
Upon the completion of their fellowships, scholars are required to submit the necessary documents and certificates (UC, SoE, Final / Completion Report, etc) to the funding agency for the settlement of their fellowships.
Fellowships / Scholarships offered to Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDFs) by various Funding Agencies:
Fellowship Code | Fellowship Name | Mode of Operation | Remarks |
ICMR RA | Indian Council of Medical Research (RA) | Offline | Scholars are encouraged to refer to the funding agencies’ fellowship portals for information on eligibility, notifications, selection, and sanctions, etc. |
DBT RA | DBT RA Fellowship | Offline | |
DST WoS- A | DST Woment Scientist-A (DST-WOS-A) | Offline | |
DST INSPIRE | DST INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship | Offline | |
SERB RAMANUJAN | SERB Ramanujan Fellowship | Offline | |
DSR KPDF | Dr. S. Radha Krishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship In Humanities And Social Sciences | Offline | |
SERB NPDF | SERB National Post Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
DAIC DAPDF | DAIC – Dr. Ambedkar Post Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
ICPR PDF | ICPR Post Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
ICHR PDF | ICHR Post Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
DBT RRF | DBT Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship | Offline | |
KSCSTE PDF | The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment – Post Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
UGC DDSKPDC | UGC – D. S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowships in Sciences | Online |
Fellowships / Scholarships / Assistance offered to Doctoral Fellows (PhD Scholars) by various Funding Agencies:
Fellowship Code | Fellowship Name | Mode of Operation | Remarks |
PMRF | Prime Minister’s Research Fellows | Offline |
Scholars are encouraged to refer to the funding agencies’ fellowship portals for information on eligibility, notifications, selection, and sanctions, etc. |
DST Inspire | DST – Inspire JRF / SRF Fellowship | Offline | |
DBT JRF/SRF | DBT – JRF / SRF Fellowship | Offline | |
ICMR JRF/SRF | Indian Council of Medical Research – JRF / SRF Fellowship | Offline | |
ICSSR Fellowship | Indian Council of Social Science Research Doctoral Fellowship | Offline | |
NET-JRF | National Eligibility Test – Junior Research Fellowship | Online | |
NFSC | National Fellowship for Scheduled Castes | Online | |
NFST | National Fellowship for Scheduled Tribes | Online | |
NFOBC | National Fellowship for Other Backward Classes | Online | |
NF-DIS | National Fellowship for Differently Abled Students | Online | |
MANF | Maulana Azad National Fellowship | Online | |
SVSGC | Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Fellowship | Online | |
SJSGC | Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl Child | Online | |
CSIR JRF/SRF | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research – JRF / SRF Fellowship | Online | |
CSIR RA/SRA | Indian Council of Social Science Research – RA/SRA | Online |
Fellowship Code | Fellowship Name | Mode of Operation | Remarks |
UGC Non-NET Fellowship to Ph.D. Scholars (for eligible scholars) | Offline | Please refer to the University’s website for the latest information / updates. |
5th Year FA | 5th Year Financial Assistance (for eligible scholars) | Offline |
Fellowships / Scholarships / Assistance offered to Students pursuing Integrated Masters’ and Masters’ Programs by various Funding Agencies:
Fellowship Code | Fellowship Name | Mode of Operation | Remarks |
DBT PG Studentship | DBT PG Studentship (M.Sc. Biotechnology Students) | Offline |
Students are encouraged to refer to the funding agencies’ fellowship portals for information on eligibility, notifications, selection, and sanctions, etc. |
TS – SC Development | Telangana State epass – SC Development | Offline | |
TS – ST Welfare | Telangana State epass – ST Welfare | Offline | |
TS – BC Welfare | Telangana State epass – BC Welfare | Offline | |
TS – EBC | Telangana State epass – EBC | Offline | |
TS – Minority | Telangana State epass – Minority | Offline | |
TS – Disabled | Telangana State epass – Disabled | Offline | |
NSP | National Scholarship Portal – various schemes sponsored by various Ministries of Government | Online | |
Other States | Various schemes sponsored by various State Governments | Online |
Fellowship Code | Fellowship Name | Mode of Operation | Remarks |
UoH-SA | University of Hyderbad Students’ Assistance (UoH-SA) – for eligible students | Offline | Please refer to the University’s website for the latest information / updates. |
Other Important Procedures:
- Monthly fellowships, along with eligible allowances, will be sanctioned to scholars who are registered for the current semester and hold an active on-roll status, as confirmed by the Academic Section. In instances where scholars have applied for a No Dues certificate, their fellowships will be terminated from the date of issuance of the No Dues Certificate.
- HRA (House Rent Allowance) will be disbursed to eligible scholars based on certification by the Chief Warden or the submission of a Non-Boarder Certificate for the eligible claim period.
- All matters pertaining to the sanction, tenure, payment, recovery, transfer, stoppage, and other related aspects of fellowships and scholarships shall be handled in accordance with the terms & conditions set by the respective funding agencies and applicable guidelines of the University. In cases where guidelines are not provided by the funding agency for a specific matter / issue, the Section shall submit & obtain orders / directions / approvals from Competent Authority on such matter / issue, from time to time.
- All important circulars, guidelines, formats, and procedures of the Fellowships & Scholarships Section will be disseminated to all stakeholders and made available on the University’s official website, specifically under the Fellowships & Scholarships Updates tab.
In-Charge of Fellowships & Scholarships Section:
Dr. Naresh Annem
Deputy Dean, Students’ Welfare – 2
Phone: 040-23132215 / 2128
Administrative Staff:
SNo | Name | Designation | Contact Details |
1 | B Bikshapathi Naik | Section Officer |
Email: Phone: 040-23132215 / 2128 |
2 | Azghar Khan | Office Assistant | |
3 | V Sainath | Dealing Assistant | |
4 | V Devender | Dealing Assistant | |
5 | V Ajay Kumar | Dealing Assistant | |
6 | R Ashok | Office Attendant |
Prof. Gona Naik
Anti-Discrimination Officer
The University has established an Equal Opportunity Cell and has appointed an Anti-Discrimination Officer in accordance with UGC (Promotion of Equity in Higher Education Institutions) Regulations, 2012.
The University is committed to equity and social justice. The University ensures that its students receive quality higher education without any discrimination. The University is committed to providing effective student support services keeping in mind disadvantaged students.
The officer will look into any distinction, exclusion, limitation or preference which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing equality of treatment in education and in particular –
- Of depriving a student or a group of students on the basis of caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender, disability or access to education of any type or at any level;
- Of imposing conditions or any student or group of students which are incompatible with the dignity of humanity; and
- Of subject to the provision of establishing or maintaining separate educational systems or institutions for students or groups of students based on caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender and disabilities.
Any student or their parents/guardians/teaching/non-teaching staff who wish to bring to the notice of University any act of discrimination faced by them should complain in writing to the Anti-discrimination Officer. It may be noted that:
- A complaint about the discrimination or harassment as defined in the UGC regulations may be in writing by a student or a parent of a student.
- The complaint shall include sufficient details of the alleged act of discrimination or harassment.
- The officer, upon inquiry, shall submit a report to the Vice-Chancellor who will then initiate appropriate action as per the statues and ordinances of the University or as per UGC regulations.
Anti-ragging Helplines
Intercom: 1999 OR
04023131999 (through mobile)
Intercom: 2999 OR
04023131999 (through mobile)
The University views ragging very seriously. Students found to be involved in ragging can face severe punishment including rustication from the university.
If you happen to be a victim or a witness to a ragging incident, contact the UoH Anti-ragging Squad using the following contacts:
Member | Dept/ Office (2313) | Email ID |
Dean, Student's Welfare | 2500/ 2501 | |
Dr. Ch. Krishna Reddy | 3104/ 2507 | |
Prof. AK Sahoo | 4822 | |
Dr. Naresh K. Sepuri | 4531 |
Member | Dept/ Office (2313) | Email ID |
Chief Warden | 3560/ 2505 | |
Dr. Padmaja | 2500/ 2501 | |
Dr. Ravula K | 2587 | |
Dr. Ashoka U | 4381 |
DSW’s Office: 04023132500/ 04023132501
CW Office: 04023133560/ 04023132505
- UGC Anti-ragging FAQs
- UGC Posters
- UGC Helpline: 18001805522