Tips on staying safe while you are hereInternational students are expected to abide by all the rules of the University as well as the laws of the country. The code of conduct that is applicable to Indian students studying in the same course is applicable to them as well. Avoid risk. Please be aware that you are in a foreign country.
You are advised:
- To conduct yourselves in the Campus, hostels and in other premises of the University in a dignified and courteous manner.
- To follow decent and appropriate dressing manners in the classroom and outside.
- To access all educational opportunities and benefits available at the Campus and make good use of them.
- To respect the laws of the Country as well as the norms of the University.
- To respect the cultural and social values nurtured and followed by people of this country.
- To keep a low profile and avoid loud conversations or arguments.
- To avoid public demonstrations and other civil disturbances.
- To pay extra attention to your surroundings especially when you are off-campus.
- To carry an identity card issued by the University. When you go outside the Campus, do not forget to carry copies of your passport as well as a copy of the residential permit issued by the Office of the Foreigners’ Registration Office.
- Do not walk alone after dark and avoid unlit areas.
- Do not carry more cash than you need and stay away from strangers in any cash/banking transactions.
- Do not discuss travel plans or other personal matters with strangers.
- Do not use mobile phones in the classrooms, library examination halls, etc.
- Do not involve in activities considered as ragging which is a criminal offence.
- Do not possess or use weapons, explosives or anything that causes injury/damage to the life and limb or body of any human being or property.
- Rash or negligent driving of vehicles in the Campus is prohibited. Do not drive without a proper driving license. You need a driving license to drive even a two-wheeler.
- Do not indulge in any conduct which leads to lowering of the esteem of the University.
- Do not possess or consume alcoholic intoxicants inside the campus. Possession and use of prohibited drugs is considered a severe breach of discipline and a criminal offence. Smoking is prohibited within all UoH buildings. Any act within the campus that may violate or spoil the academic atmosphere in the University will not be tolerated. Students found guilty of such offences will be dismissed and sent back to their country without any cost to the University.
- Anti-social and anti-national activities, misbehaviour, violence and unethical activities involving international students will be dealt in accordance with state and central laws that are in force. The University will not take responsibility for any criminal or non-criminal acts committed inside or outside the campus by the international students.